Lise-Meitner-Lecture "New Materials for a New Age" by Nicola Spaldin

Nicola Spaldin, Professor of Materials Theory at ETH Zurich, gives a Lise Meitner Lecture on Monday 13 November 2017 in the Vienna Physics Colloquium series.

by Susanne Blatter
Lise-Meitner-Lectures Nicola Spaldin

The Lise-Meitner-Lectures are an initiative of the Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) and Österreichischen Physikalische Gesellschaft (ÖPG) in honor of Lise Meitner. With this yearly event series, outstanding female researchers get introduced to a broad public.

external pageProgram of the Vienna Physics Colloquium, Universität Wien.

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